Saturday, 13 September 2014

"Rihanna Can Be Termed a Bad Girl, but I'm Not & i Don't Have a $ex Tape" - Moet Abebe

Sound city VJ,Moet Abebe,responded to allegations she's a bad girl. She told the Nigerian Tribune
On being called a bad girl
How does wearing a bikini make me a bad girl? Well, they need to go and study the dictionary and realise what a bad girl really is. Someone like Rihana can be termed a bad girl, but Moet Abebe is not a bad girl
On her alleged $ex Tape:
Have you seen it? Exactly! So, that is your answer. I have never posted anything like a $ex tape on the Internet. At the end of the day, as far as there is no link, there is no evidence of a $ex tape. People will always talk and I have learnt to live with that

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