Sunday, 16 August 2015

Rihanna slams Matt Barnes after he says dating her is a possibility

Rihanna but be serious with Lewis Hamilton because for the first time, she is responding to dating rumours...harshly.Basketball star, Matt Barnes was cornered by TMZ nd he implied he and Rihanna would soon date as they have passed the crush stage..He said

Rihanna is my friend right now.So we see where it goes..
When asked if there is a possible future, he said
Yea...Possibly .I think it just passed the crush stage a little bit 
When asked if him playing in Memphis would hamper theirrelationship,hereplied

She's rich(implying she could afford private jets)
That last reply though....Checkout Rihanna's reply below

Rihanna shared his pic on instagram and captioned it
#bishwhere #thedevilisaliar #shesnotthatintoyou #shesnotintoyouatall #shesneverevenmetyou #thisactuallyhurtmyfeelings #defamationofcharacter